Indian/International Foundation for Vedic Science                                      Platform for Human Transformation - A Project of 

Ravi Prakash Arya

The Heart of the Foundation

Our man behind the scenes is Raviji. He is a humble noble soul. He always finds the words to communicate to his students.
Imagine you want to travel somewhere. You don't know where to go, just that you want to go to a nice place. What do you need to accomplish this? The best way is to have a travel guide. Raviji is taking up this tremendous task and is like a lighthouse and shows the way for the foundation. Like the heart is not visible in the arm, nor in the foot of the body, but the heart sustains it all. So he is an every glowing heartbeat in the foundation and gives guidance.

But who is he?

Prof Ravi Prakash Arya is a world-renowned Vedic Scholar, Philologist, historian, and philosopher. He is a prolific speaker and writer. He is a widely traveled scholar who has delivered more than 350 popular and academic talks on various topics of the Vedas, Indian History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Culture and Scientific Indian heritage in various countries of the world. He is doing pionerring work for preserving and propagating the universal and scientific Vedic heritage of India under the auspices of the 'Indian Foundation for Vedic Science'. He has to his credit 75 research papers and 70 books running into 84 volumes on the various aspects of Vedas, Vedic Sciences, Vedic Exegesis, Vedic Philology, Vedic Philosophy, Religion, Indian History and Culture. He is the Chief Editor of a quarterly Research Journal 'Vedic Science' dealing with the scientific interpretation of Vedas & Allied literature and ancient Indian traditions. This Journal is acclaimed as an authoritative document on Vedic Sciences.

He is also the editor of the annual 'World Vedic Calendar'. He has convented several national and international, conferences, seminars, and workshops.
Raviji has made it in the past through Vedic Science possible, that people could meet together and still their hunger, the inner search for happiness. He made it possible, that conferences of world peace to take place in the past.

One could ask, why does a scholar engage like this in the peace & happiness of the people? Think about the following. Every day, you got a lot of decisions. But still, you ask yourself, what is the right decision, how to follow Dharma. What can I do, to strengthen my body-mind, and intellect to do the right thing? More specifically, what is the right thing? Like the path of a river, the values are eternal what is good. But like each river is individual, so the personal Dharma is different. Raviji helps us through his work, to cultivate these qualities in us. With his friends, our friends of Vedic Science, he is going for this tremendous task.

Why bother about it? We are one big family. Just think. Maybe we may look different. Have different personal goals in life. We speak different languages. But think. We speak in different languages but mean the same things we are searching for in life, we all want to be simply happy. Is there something in common that we all share? Yes, we are all humans, breathe the same air, and want to be happy. If we say, we don't want to share something with another, do we not share the same air, this same breath of life without choice with all? Keep this in mind, open your heart and let the peace in. Be inspired by the heart of the Foundation, from our Raviji.

Some small exercise:

Sit straight, and close your eyes. Breath through your belly..slowly...close your eyes and then feel. the breath. Now just think about the following. When I share my breath with everyone, the same air is it not then just logical, that we live in peace together? Let this feeling come out of your heart and feel the happiness, how we are all one family, and the same Atma is in all of us. Open your eyes, and take this feeling of gratitude into your daily living.

Like Raviji is the lighthouse of Vedic Science, the Vedas are the lighthouse of the creation itself. Start to inquire into your happiness. :-)

For the person who like it the classical way, here is his bio in short:

Prof. Ravi Praskash Arya- is a Chair Professor on Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Chair (UGC) in Maharshi Dayanand University, India. He is a world-renowned Vedic Scholar, Philologist, historian and philosopher. He is a prolific speaker an writer. He is a widely travelled scholar who has delivered more than 350 popular and academic talks on various topics of Vedas, Indian History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Culture and Scientific Indian heritage in various countries of the world. He is doing pioneering work for preserving and propagating the universal and scientific Vedic heritage of India under the auspices of the 'Indian Foundation for Vedic Science'. He has to his credit 75 research papers and 70 books running into 84 volumes on the various aspects of Vedas, Vedic Scienes, Vedic Exegesis, Vedic Philology, Vedic Philosophy, Religion, Indian History and Culture. He is the Chief Editor of a quarterly Research Journal 'Vedic Science' dealing with the scientific interpretation of Vedas & Allied literature and ancient Indian traditions. This Journal is acclaimed as an authorative document on Vedic Sciences. He is also the editor of the annual 'World Vedic Calendar'. He has convened several national and international conferences/semnars/workshops on Vedic Sciences, Ayurveda, YOga, Spirituality and Indian knowledge system. He is a recipient of many awards at the natinal and international levels. He has also served the Higher Education Department of Haryana as Principal of various degree colleges for 10 years.